i love to play on grammy & pappy's bed! there are lots of pillows & the comforter is so soft! in this video, grammy is playing with me with the pillows. i think she is really funny! (you may need to turn up your volume to hear me laugh.)
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
plucking hippos...
when i'm in my pack-n-play, i like to "pluck hippos" -- i just can't leave them hanging up there. mommy laughs when she looks at the hippos because they all have wet spots on the backs of their heads where the velcro is. i pluck 'em off & i chew 'em up!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
a walk in the park...
on saturday afternoon, i went to aldridge botanical gardens with daddy, mommy & grammy. it is a park here in birmingham that has all sorts of neat things to look at, like geese & turtles & lots of pretty flowers. i enjoyed crawling around in the soft, thick grass.


Sunday, July 26, 2009
light up the night...
i had some trouble going to sleep last night. i just wasn't tired... i cried in the bed, but when mommy brought me downstairs, i was happy. so daddy & i played with this stained glass lamp that i love to look at. they tell me i can touch it, but i cannot grab the lamp. i usually do pretty well! it's so sparkly & beautiful -- and it makes neat sounds too! 

Saturday, July 25, 2009
random mk...

here are some random photos. mommy gave me some dishes to help her in the kitchen & you can see that i am getting the "sweet potato nose" from my orange vegetables.

a day in the life of mk...
here are some pics throughout my day. mommy & i got up & played and sang songs. i had a plum as part of my lunch -- that's become a favorite of mine! i took my naps & then i had tomato-beef mush for dinner! (you can see it on my face!)

Friday, July 24, 2009
just some cute pics...
these are just some photos i wanted to share with you. mommy took the sleepy picture in the car, just as we got home from grammy's house. when mommy picks me up after work, grammy already has my pj's on so that i can go straight to bed -- and i usually stay asleep! i am such a good sleeper!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
waking up on the right side of the crib...
it's best to start every day with a good attitude. most days, i am able to do this! here's a video of me at the very first thing of the morning! happy! happy! happy!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
still loving it outside...
here i am in my sunday dress, just after church. when i sit in the grass, i try to eat everything (of course!). this pine straw was really interesting. i just love to be outside! even if i am sad, going outside will usually calm me down.

Monday, July 20, 2009
a meeting of the minds...
ok,ok, so it is really a "meeting" of foreheads, but i enjoy it! the night that mommy took this video, i was tired, so i only did the head-rubbing for a little while. but this is a fun game i like to play with my pappy.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
playing catch-up...
daddy got the camera & computer to work together again, so here are some photos from the last few days.

i am actually using a sippy cup now & i am getting used to it. and mommy says that i look all grown up in the picture that i am wearing the pink stripes. i am almost one year old!

summer yard work...
one night this week, a big storm blew through our neighborhood. so mommy & i went out to gather up the limbs & sticks that were lying around in the yard. then we trimmed some of the bushes. i like helping outside -- we even used my stroller as a wheelbarrow for the sticks & branches!

Thursday, July 16, 2009
wham go the hams...
people have told me that my legs look like little roasts with the strings tied around them, or like Christmas hams. i don't mind -- i know i am not fat, i just have chunky legs. well, i still like to kick a lot & so mommy & daddy started saying "wham go the hams!"
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
we are having technical difficulties...
sorry i haven't posted much in the last few days. mommy & daddy are having some computer issues. but here is a quick, happy little video!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
just hangin' out...
here i am enjoying my swing. mommy says i look like a big girl in this pic because i am just "kickin' back" & relaxing! another thing i enjoy lately is this blue rug in the guest bath area. it is so soft! i like to just rub it & roll around on it. mommy has tried to take a video, but i always think the camera is too interesting & so i stop playing. maybe one day she'll "catch" me...

Friday, July 10, 2009
it's bath time & bedtime...
i enjoy my bath, but when i get out of the tub, i am a little unruly. i guess i just don't want to put my pj's on. but here is a pic of me in my new princess pj's.

take a second look (and a third)...
i still enjoy looking at the animals on my blanket. i look at them one direction, then i like to move around & look at them from a different direction, then i'll move another way. their little faces make me smile! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
where the green grass grows...
even though i spend a fair amount of time outside, i have never played in the grass until this past weekend. it was a little prickly, but i thought it was very interesting! 

more family time...
daddy's family came in town for independence day, except they came on july 5th. mommy's family came to my house too, so i got to enjoy everyone! lots of people came up to play in my room & that made me very happy. aunt judy brought a dress & hat that she knitted for me! and uncle gene got me a neat carousel that plays pretty music! all the excitement wore me out & so i slept really well that night!

Friday, July 3, 2009
plum perfect

yesterday i ate a plum for the first time. sure, i have eaten plum baby food before, but it was great fun to squish the slippery & juicy fruit! then i had cheerios for dessert!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
family time...
this week, my uncle kyle & aunt trudy are visiting from texas! i have enjoyed getting to know them better!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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