Friday, December 26, 2014
camper van adventures...
this lego-camper-van set is one of the items i received for Christmas. i built it *pretty much* by myself -- with just a little help from mommy. i also got some new squinkies for Christmas. i enjoy playing with squinkies & legos together. so hulasonnya & the dolphin sisters (sherrin & panama) decided to take the camper van on holiday.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Merry Christmas!!!
so i guess santa is making his rounds at everyone else's houses about right now. But he visited my house last night! mommy & daddy are both working Christmas day so they made arrangements for santa to visit us on Christmas eve-eve. we did all our gift opening & over-eating today! we opened gifts, then grammy & pappy came over for brunch.

we played all. day. long. then we enjoyed a great Christmas eve service at church.

we ended the day with reading the natvity story in our Jesus Storybook Bible. Merry Christmas to ALL!!

Saturday, December 13, 2014
zoolight safari...
we LOVE our birmingham zoo!! on saturday night, we made our annual trip to the zoolight safari!

the birmingham zoo puts out lights every year at christmas.
in this picture, you can see daddy and me with the 3D flamingos. i also saw CrAzZzZy lights, even i sang it was the song i read this in a book. "on the 7th day of christmas my truelove gave to me, 7 swans a swimming,6 geese a laying 5 golden rings!!!!" even i told mommy and daddy about DOLPHINtale 2!
we are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad when we came home from zoolight. i love singing 12 days of christmas.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014
happy turkey day...
you can never give enough thanks, so we celebrated the holiday twice! first we had grammy & pappy over to my house on thursday. i helped mommy make carrot souffle & everyone (besides me!) said it was delish!

on sunday we celebrated in huntsville with daddy's family. we roasted marshmallows & the adults had a bit of silly shooting fun.

but the hammock fun was definitely my favorite!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Hello World little dolphin Budding Artist...
Sunday, November 23, 2014
a lazy rainy sunday...
well, it wasn't really THAT lazy, but we were very laid-back today. we went to church this morning & i put my luau t-shirt back on as SOON as we returned home. daddy had started putting out christmas decorations so mommy & i helped with that. i love putting all the nativity people looking at baby Jesus. isn't that how it should be anyway?

we looked though some thanksgiving things that i made at school recently. i created a "thankful journal" in which i listed many blessings. and i love my indian headband!

then i made some play-doh creations -- hello kitty & fifi. i also made some library books for them to read.

daddy has encouraged me to begin reading "the ghost of windy hill." this is one of the play-doh library books that i made too.

it's a bit more difficult than any reading i've attempted previously. but it's really holding my interest. in fact, i so enjoy re-reading chapters that we've only made it to chapter 3 so far! but it's getting exciting!
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