Sunday, July 31, 2011
lazy sunday afternoon...
i stayed with grammy & pappy all day on saturday & most of sunday. so when i got home, i spent the afternoon just playing with mommy & daddy & being lazy. so here are some pics from playtime in my bedroom.

Friday, July 29, 2011
at the zoo again...
on thursday, mommy & i went to the zoo. we got there about 12:30 & ate lunch at a picnic table outside. in reviewing these pics just now, it appears that we didn't even see many animals!! i really did enjoy the animals today, but i was too busy to have my picture taken with them. we got to see one of the elephants up close, both from the train & also from the regular exhibit. i SOOO love the train!! we like to sit at the front of a car (any car will do) so that i can watch the track go by underneath us. then i played a drum duet at the africa exhibit. when we went to the lorikeet cage, we were the only people in there! so i was able to watch several of the birds up close.

and of course, we did my FaVoRiTE activity, which is to play in the fountains! i think i was the happiest person out there, just running & jumping, squealing & giggling. it was wonderful!!

and of course, we did my FaVoRiTE activity, which is to play in the fountains! i think i was the happiest person out there, just running & jumping, squealing & giggling. it was wonderful!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
a little boat ride...
today daddy took mommy & me for a little boat-ride on one of the neighborhood lakes. we did not stay out long, mostly because of the thunderstorm that was coming. but i ReALLy wanted to get out of the boat and INto the water!! i was able to put my hands in the water over the side of the boat & mommy *securely* hung onto my life jacket. it may be a while before mommy & daddy take me on the boat again though... maybe we'll just go swimming next time!

Sunday, July 24, 2011
the bolton reunion...
so we were having some internet problems last week but daddy has gotten it fixed. but today, mommy realized that we had not posted any pictures from the family reunion from a couple of weeks ago. i actually tried some new foods -- well it was potato chips & some kind of dessert. but mommy said she was proud of me for even TrYiNG the potato chips (even though that's not exactly a health food!) i got to meet so many cousins and we actually had great weather that day!

Friday, July 22, 2011
grammy's windmill...
one of my recent loves is "the fields." what i actually love is anything to do with a farm -- this includes tractors, rows of vegetable or fruit plantings, and farm animals. some farms even have windmills & i LOVE the way windmills are so SpINNy!! grammy has a baby windmill in her back yard & i enjoy admiring it.

Thursday, July 21, 2011
a trip to see dr buttler...
in case you don't know it, i do NOT like going to the doctor's office. but who does like the doctor's office anyway?? i even get upset if a place just LooKs like the doctor's office (department store help desks, the post office, etc.) but i have this little bump on my hand, so mommy & daddy wanted me to go to dr buttler. before we arrived, mommy & i had talked about where we were going, and i got a little stressed out. but when we got there, i was not as distressed as i usually am.
and mommy gave me playdoh in the exam room so that helped me to be happy too. thank goodness dr buttler says the bump is nothing serious -- he says it is a ganglion cyst that will probably eventually go away on its own. so we will just watch it for a while.
mommy also mentioned to dr buttler that we are using a picture schedule (like i talked about in an earlier post) so she took his picture to put on the schedule for our next visit. maybe i'll be even LESS stressed out then!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
i am a princess...
i like to play with mommy's jewelry. sometimes i organize it on the floor & other times i like to wear it myself. i thought i'd wear this necklace as a "hat" but it really looks more like a princess crown.

Friday, July 15, 2011
wednesday at mcwane center...
on wednesday this week, mommy & i visited the mcwane center. they had some interesting new exhibits. i enjoyed building with these huge blue blocks. in these pictures i was working on my "windmill."

some of the blocks resembled a track & other children were lining those up & rolling balls through. that reminded me of a train track so i LOvED it!

perhaps my favorite activity was one that i named the "puzzle fields." it was a big table with cut-out shapes of fruits & vegetables. i would remove the puzzle pieces & place them in the bowl. mommy & i talked about the names & colors of the foods. we did this puzzle SeVeRaL times.

of course the light sticks & huge piano were still there. they are always fun to play with.

lastly, we played in the water areas. we went to the aquarium section & i actually touched a REAL shark! but mommy was holding me, so we didn't get any pictures of that. i also enjoyed the water lab, where i made a big mess. but it was just water, so that dried up pretty easily. i had so much fun!!
perhaps my favorite activity was one that i named the "puzzle fields." it was a big table with cut-out shapes of fruits & vegetables. i would remove the puzzle pieces & place them in the bowl. mommy & i talked about the names & colors of the foods. we did this puzzle SeVeRaL times.
of course the light sticks & huge piano were still there. they are always fun to play with.
lastly, we played in the water areas. we went to the aquarium section & i actually touched a REAL shark! but mommy was holding me, so we didn't get any pictures of that. i also enjoyed the water lab, where i made a big mess. but it was just water, so that dried up pretty easily. i had so much fun!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
dominoes at grammy's house...
grammy & pappy like to play dominoes, and i enjoy the traditional dominoes that they use. but they also have this set of "bend-dominoes" that i played with on tuesday. (the dominoes are curvy instead of straight.) i worked very hard to get the dominoes positioned just like i wanted. i was so proud of myself!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011
a relaxing day off...
today mommy & daddy were both off from work. we went to the bass pro shop where i got to do all sorts of fun things. i got to drive a boat & couple of "tractors" (they were really four-wheelers!) i also saw lots of animals, like bears & wildcats & hogs. i even got to see real LIVE fish! today must have been a special day at the bass pro shop because they had tables upstairs for us kids to make crafts. i got to color this beautiful birdhouse! when we came home, i even got to go to the park! whew! i will sleep well tonight!

Thursday, July 7, 2011
nite, nite, sleep tight...
until recently, i have not really understood the true purpose of a blanket. i just like to hide under blankets & drag them around the house. but lately i have started asking mommy to pull my covers up over me when i get into bed. i do still request to have several toys in the bed with me. tonight i wanted the school bus, my purse of fruits, ducky & a little wooden cabinet with strawberries in it. but i am becoming less of a baby every day... *tear from mommy*

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
just a normal day...
these are just some regular, every-day activities. nothing special... just some cute pics to enjoy...

my arizona cousins...
this week we have been visiting with more of daddy's family. on tuesday night, i got to meet my cousins madison & delaney, who came ALL the way from arizona!! they were very patient with me. we worked on my united states puzzle & built with my blocks.

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