Sunday, July 21, 2013
a visit from my atlanta friends...
this was an exciting weekend because we had visitors from out-of-town. savannah & megan came from georgia to see me. in these first pictures, you can see that i was helping to prepare the guest bed.

we continued my work on coloring this castle. we also played legos & polly-pockets & loopsies.

i read a couple of frog-and-toad adventures at bedtime & then we all had a sleep-over in mommy & daddy's bed!

we also tried some embroidery (unsuccessfully!) and played on our electronic devices.

i was really sad when it was time for savannah & megan to go home. we need to plan another trip very soon!
Saturday, July 20, 2013
vacation bible school...
this week i attended vacation bible school at grammy & pappy's church. we learned all about "standing strong" for God. zachary was my special friend & he stayed with me in all my activities. he helped me prepare for loud noises by telling me to cover my ears.
mommy followed me & tried to take pictures. but i almost saw her a few times, so this was the best picture she got of any activities. we were playing "simon says" in the gym.
zachary gave me the fish banner at the end of the week. i LovE this purple fish!!!

here are some other special friends i played with this week -- john charles & mary katherine. yep! she's an "mk" too!
i have been telling mommy all about the things that help us to stand strong for God. they include family, the bible, prayer & trusting God. i had a GReaT week!!
Friday, July 19, 2013
being crafty...
daddy painted our craft room & we've done some rearranging. mommy made a memory board that you can see hanging over my desk. now i have a good work-space to use when mommy is sewing or cropping. we put her cricut machine on my desk because i LovE to make cricut shapes!

i enjoyed playing with these fabric remnants that are leftover from our new craft-room curtains.

check out the sticker-picture that i made!!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
random fun day...
this afternoon i helped daddy in the garage & also played outside. here is "little miss shield" that i drew.

i am really into shields right now -- like the castle-kind of shields. this is because the school that i will attend this fall has a castle theme & they have rainbow shields (or at least that's what i call them.) i even put buttons & high-heeled shoes on this cute little shield-girl.

daddy was cleaning out some old packing materials from the garage. you can see that i helped him {especially} with the packing peanuts.
then it started to rain so we came inside. earlier this morning, i had made a preview-visit to st mark umc to talk about vacation bible school. one of my vbs teachers gave me this styrofoam shield so that i could decorate it. so fun!! (vbs is next week & the theme is "kingdom rock" -- as in CaStLeS!!)
Monday, July 8, 2013
family fish fry...
a couple of weeks ago, daddy's family gathered at aunt judy & uncle craig's house in huntsville, alabama for a family fish-fry! in the spirit of my cousin drew's upcoming wedding, many of us donned mickey hats for photos.

here is the [now wedded] blissful couple, haley & drew...
uncle craig fried up some yummy fish that he had caught this spring. he also made hushpuppies & i helped with the puppy-making.

aunt judy put discussion questions on these fish. i enjoyed reading the questions. one of the fish said, "tell a funny fish memory." well, my fish memory is of daddy & me going the the neighborhood lake & feeding bread to the fish at the gazebo. i really enjoyed telling everyone that story ALL day LONG!!

i was able to spend a good part of the afternoon with aunt judy. we played bubbles & made smores. i liked talking about the smores, but i really just wanted to eat plain marshmallows & chocolate bars & LOTS of graham crackers!

we had a GReaT DaY!! i cannot wait to do it all again!
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