hi heart heroes! today i made some
AWESOME jump rope for heart pictures today.one of them is ninja star and she is doing a "hi-ya" in this picture.

jump rope for heart is programmed by the american heart association. i made some paper friends like ms cool, splatter quacky, martia n. mutley, and
even ninja star!

my friends are getting ready for an assembly. some of them were taking pictures. they said "1, 2, 3!" before they took the picture. first picture, ninja star came. she remembers that 2 friends were sitting side-by side in baby carriages!

the second picture, ms cool came and she said "hey, hey, HEY! what's going on, everybody?"

dr bow wow and spy duck need to get back to work, but they will see us all later.

here are some more friends i want to show you first, we have sock duck!

right by martia n. mutley, you will see ski dude! and another picture of splatter quacky, too.

then, we have soccer pup and capt'n bark!and scribbles ninja duck!

we have super pup, right next to ms cool.

meet glow duck!

we have to leave in about 5 minutes, ok? 5 minutes! or we are gonna be
LATE! goodbye!

remember, we are life saving!

ms cool still doesn't understand what's going on.