my name is Mary Kathryn. i celebrated my seventh birthday on august 7, 2015. i still love music, especially anything that my daddy plays on the piano for me. i attend second grade & while i will tell you that i do not like school, i actually enjoy it. i enjoy reading about characters from "paw patrol" & "lego friends" & recently have begun reading some chapter books. often i use check lists to help me complete tasks & to help me know what to expect. i am constantly drawing & usually have several notebooks & pens handy. (my favorite pens are the pilot G2-07 black ones... you can't blame a girl for choosing the best!) some of my favorite things are dolphins, fish, whales, and pretty much anything that is PinK! i like to update this blog regularly so that everyone knows what is going on with me. please visit often, because i try to make a post at least every 2 or 3 days!
we've had a couple of chilly mornings this week. grammy got a few comfortable outfits for me that are good for this kind of weather, including this halloween outfit. but i still didn't have any winter shoes, thus the socks with sandals (AGAIN!) thank goodness grammy also had these great cat shoes to match my halloween threads! they even "meow" when you press their little heads! that is why i am studying them so closely in the last picture!