Sunday, April 18, 2010
a busy day of rest...
today we went to worship AND sunday school -- remember, last week was my first time to go for both parts of church. (the whole time lasts from about 9am to 1230.) when mommy dropped me off at my class, i didn't cry, and i even faught to get down from her so i could go & play! i enjoy my class now! my teachers give me a snack & we go out to the playground & run around! of course this makes me ReAllY tired! today i only had about a 30 minute nap; part in the car & part at the restaurant where we ate lunch. we went to eat with our friends mrs. robyn & mr. don. after lunch i noticed an area of grass beside the restaurant, so i decided to hunt for leaves & flowers. daddy, mrs. robyn & mr. don sat & talked while mommy & i played in the grass. we had SO much fun!