Monday, May 31, 2010
a hammock & some duckies...
today grammy & pappy had the hammock hanging out on the back porch. of course i love to swing, but this was a little different. i relaxed a lot on the hammock today. grammy & pappy also took me out to do some errands today & they bought me a new ducky. grammy told me i could bring the new ducky home with me tonight! so when you look at those pics, count the duckies! there are THREE! 1. is original ducky, 2. is umbrella ducky, & 3. is the new ducky. i had to hold all three ducks in the car & even brought them all inside with me when we got home! i wanted to sleep with the umbrella, but mommy thought that might be uncomfortable or perhaps dangerous.

Sunday, May 30, 2010
whew! i am TiReD...
savannah & the fam left just after lunch on sunday. i did grab a quick nap just before they left, but i didn't really act tired again until about 5pm. i took my bath, then had dinner & played some more. but i skipped my afternoon nap and fell asleep on daddy around 6:45!!

my cousin savannah...
today we had family come into town & so i got to play with my cousin savannah. she made me laugh a lot & i even let her pick me up! we got along great! we went to the park & then came home for dinner & bedtime. of course i went to sleep right away because she really wore me out! we can't wait to do it again.

Friday, May 28, 2010
my fun-filled friday...
today mommy tried out my new schedule -- remember how i've said before that i usually just take one nap on sundays, around lunch time? so today we ran errands in the morning, and just kept right on going, even through my normal nap time. when we got home, it was SO hot! we went outside & played with my sand & water table. then i came in for lunch & almost fell asleep while i was eating! i went down for my nap after lunch & passed out for 3 hours!

Thursday, May 27, 2010
just playin'...
we decided to start keeping some of my toys in this window-seat cabinet, rather than having them all over the fireplace & floor. so when i pull my toys & books out, i often sit right there to play! it's my own special corner! the other pictures are just of me hanging out... playing with my thermometer & also playing with fridge-magnet letters. (mommy says i look like such a BIG girl in these pics!)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
busy busy wednesday...
on wednesday, mommy, grammy & i went to the skellie's house. mommy & grammy had their fiddling lessons & i played outside & watched baby einstein. while we were playing in the yard, a neighbor's dog came to the fence & i was very excited! i also got to bounce on the trampoline -- that made my hair VeRy staticky. after we left from their house, i had to go the doctor. on tuesday night, i did not let mommy go to bed until 4am! i had a fever & i just didn't feel well. dr buttler says i have ear infections again & so he gave me an antibiotic. the office visit was pretty intense... 3 people (mommy, dr buttler & a student) had to hold me down so he could see in my ears. needless to say, i was very sad, but i made it through. i haven't really been acting that sick; in fact the people at the pharmacy thought i didn't even seem sick! by that time, i was acting pretty silly, just singing & smiling!

an off-topic note... isn't my outfit CUTE?? grammy made it!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
up & down...
i am really becomming a good listener when mommy asks me to do things. in these pictures, mommy had asked me to go from my upstairs bedroom to the downstairs kitchen. and i did it! maybe i cannot say "bedroom" or "kitchen" yet, but i definitely know what they are & how to get to them.

Sunday, May 23, 2010
the new sunday routine...
for several weeks we have been attending both worship & sunday school time at church. (until recently, we only attended the sunday school hour because i took my morning nap during the worship hour.) so now i usually only take one nap on sundays, and that nap begins on the way home from church! i will eat a snack-lunch when i wake up around 3:00 or 3:30.

Friday, May 21, 2010
random stuff...
you know i love my soft & squishy yellow ducky. one day i noticed this umbrella ducky in the car & i decided i just had to travel with it. now i like to keep the umbrella in my seat with me whenever i am in the car. i give this ducky hugs just like i do for my squishy ducky.

grammy made this crown for me as an Easter gift. i did not pay much attention to it then, but this week i gave it to mommy & asked her what it was for. she put it on my head & i felt like a princess! i kept it on my head for a pretty long time! (that's about 10 minutes in my world!)
grammy made this crown for me as an Easter gift. i did not pay much attention to it then, but this week i gave it to mommy & asked her what it was for. she put it on my head & i felt like a princess! i kept it on my head for a pretty long time! (that's about 10 minutes in my world!)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
what i did on thursday...
mostly we just hung out here at the house today. i helped mommy to wrap a gift this morning & that was great fun because i organized the gift bows. we also played outside for a little while. one of my newest words is "car" so i enjoyed running from the x-terra, to the camry, then out in the driveway & then back to the x-terra. i completed this route SeVerAL times!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
just a regular day...
thank goodness i did not have to get in the car to go anywhere today! i got to play & eat & nap -- all right on schedule! mommy & i went to the park for a bit & i was able to swing & run around. tonight for dinner i ate chicken, kiwi, & a few spaghetti noodles. i am getting to be a pretty picky eater so mommy is always trying to find new things that i will eat. i guess i go through phases, because chicken & kiwi used to be favorites of mine, but then i quit enjoying them. but i thought they were delicious tonight. and the spaghetti noodles were just an afterthought... i really enjoyed them because it was like chewing on strings & i love to do that!

Monday, May 17, 2010
loving the foxy lady...
daddy has this stuffed fox that he acquired on an ebay safari. since the fox is a girl, mommy named her "foxy lady." i love foxy lady because i think she is a cat. i make meow sounds at her & pet her & play with her whiskers.

Sunday, May 16, 2010
bubbly fun...
a beautiful weekend...
here are some pretty pics from my playtime outside on friday & saturday. a funny thing i have started doing is huffing like dogs do when they are hot. on our way home from the park today, mommy & i stopped to talk to a neighbor & her dog. when mommy started talking about the dog, i said "caw" & "hufhufhufhuf" like the doggies do!

Friday, May 14, 2010
the joy of driving...
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