Wednesday, May 26, 2010
busy busy wednesday...
on wednesday, mommy, grammy & i went to the skellie's house. mommy & grammy had their fiddling lessons & i played outside & watched baby einstein. while we were playing in the yard, a neighbor's dog came to the fence & i was very excited! i also got to bounce on the trampoline -- that made my hair VeRy staticky. after we left from their house, i had to go the doctor. on tuesday night, i did not let mommy go to bed until 4am! i had a fever & i just didn't feel well. dr buttler says i have ear infections again & so he gave me an antibiotic. the office visit was pretty intense... 3 people (mommy, dr buttler & a student) had to hold me down so he could see in my ears. needless to say, i was very sad, but i made it through. i haven't really been acting that sick; in fact the people at the pharmacy thought i didn't even seem sick! by that time, i was acting pretty silly, just singing & smiling!

an off-topic note... isn't my outfit CUTE?? grammy made it!!