Tuesday, June 22, 2010
how ya like them apples...
recently, i have been eating apples more often. i like to eat the peel first & save the inside part for last. check it out! mommy says she likes for me to eat apples when the whole family eats together or if we go out to eat. this is because it takes me a REALLY long time to eat my apples like i do. all i know is that the apples are delicious! (and if you think i look a little sleepy in this pic, you are right! it was breakfast-time.)

Monday, June 21, 2010
happy father's day...
Friday, June 18, 2010
it's a sleep over...
it's a sleep over... as in, these animals end up sleeping over my face!! i know i've posted similar pictures before, but this is just funny to me!

Thursday, June 17, 2010
an independent swimmer...
well, that's what i WANT to be... an independent swimmer. today we went to the pool with my friends ellie & kendall. i started out by using the float that i used last summer, but i think it is really for little babies. and i definitely did not want mommy or daddy to hold me. i just wanted to swim all by myself. they kept telling me that this pool is different than the bathtub or my little pool in the driveway... but what do they know??? i did have fun, as long as someone was splashing me around or when i floated on daddy & he sang to me. next time i will have to bring some floaties so i can be more independent!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
just fiddling around...
today i went to mrs. connie's house for mommy's & grammy's fiddle lessons. mommy & i played in the yard while grammy had her fiddle lesson -- you can even hear a bit of the lesson in these videos! you know i don't like to stand still for very long, but i do enjoy looking at flowers. i inspected mrs. connie's flowers for a very long time this afternoon. in one video you will probably hear me squealing a little... that's my sound i like to make when i see flowers. in the other video, i am dancing & meandering about, just having FUN! 
big ducky...
we went shopping one day last week & i found a little yellow ducky in one of the stores. of course i loved it, but then we also went to the store that had a BIG ducky! (i posted about that ducky a month or so ago.) daddy bought the big ducky for me!

Sunday, June 13, 2010
hi car...
i like to play in the garage & look at the tires on our cars. lately, i have started telling the cars "hi," as you will hear in this video. well, to you it may sound like "ha caw, ha caw." i also tell the trees hello by saying, "ha taw."
i am also posting some other pics from my day. recently, i noticed this brightly colored bird -- i call it a ducky. it belonged to my daddy when he was a little boy and now i get to love it too! today mommy & i read this christmas book MaNy mAnY times! i love the "peekaboo" pages. as for the rash on my face, i do get dry skin sometimes, but the rash is particularly bad today. don't worry though, because it does not itch or bother me in any way.
i am also posting some other pics from my day. recently, i noticed this brightly colored bird -- i call it a ducky. it belonged to my daddy when he was a little boy and now i get to love it too! today mommy & i read this christmas book MaNy mAnY times! i love the "peekaboo" pages. as for the rash on my face, i do get dry skin sometimes, but the rash is particularly bad today. don't worry though, because it does not itch or bother me in any way.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
giddy-up horsie...
here is a video of me riding my horsie. whenever i read about a horse or see a horse on tv *baby einstein* i bounce around like i am riding a horse. i am also including a couple of other random pics from my fun saturday.

Friday, June 11, 2010
jibber jabber...
here i am talking to some of my many duckies & just playing. i speak softly, so listen closely and you may need to turn up your volume. i am also including some pics of me enjoying the new flowers in our front yard.

Thursday, June 10, 2010
a visit to the lake...
earlier this week we visited some lots on lay lake. not much has been built, but we just went to see how things are developing. i got to walk around & look at the flowers & leaves.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
i'll sleep well tonight...
i've had a busy busy day... we left for the park around 9:45 this morning. mommy packed extra diapers & juice & crackers so that we would not have to go back into the house until lunch time. at the park, i started off with swinging. when i got off the swing, i noticed the wormy pollen thingies like the ones at our house. i decided to find a few favorites & line them up on the bottom of the slide at the park. we also did a lot of running & looking at leaves, as always. when we got back to the house, i put on the rest of my bathing suit & i played in the water & sand. i was really sad when it was time to go inside. (mommy says this was tHe BiGgeST FiT that i have ever thrown!) i was just SO tired but i didn't even realize it. during lunch, i actually fell asleep as i was chewing my food. mommy said that meant it was really time for my nap. but even after the nap, i knew i still needed to go to bed early. and i am STILL worn out! i'll sleep great tonight!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
a new ducky...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
my sunday...
we went to church -- there were a lot of boys in my class today & the teachers told daddy that those boys were a little rough. i was crying when mommy & daddy picked me up from class. but i got over that pretty quickly. i had lunch & took my nap then mommy & i went grocery shopping. just another normal day...

Saturday, June 5, 2010
playing with the wormy pollen thingies...
do you know of the wormy-pollen-thingies that i am talking about??? i am not sure which tree they fall from, but the area beside our driveway is FULL of these things! i like to squeeze off all the tiny pieces & i place them on my legs & also on mommy's legs. who knows why... and just as i would get a pile of them, then i'd feel the need to get up and RUN!! but mommy & i played with the wormy things a really long time.

Thursday, June 3, 2010
we went to the birmingham zoo this morning and WOW! it was FUN!! daddy made sure that we looked at some animals that we missed seeing the last time we visited the zoo. i especially liked the anteater & flamingoes. of course my favorite part was getting to play in the fountains! after i got all wet, we rode the merry-go-round. then it was time for lunch. so i changed clothes, and we ate at a picnic table. then i went to sleep in the car. what a great day!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
random sweetness...
there's nothing much to report... just a few cute pics to post. and i promise that no one put all those stuffed animals on me like that! mommy found me asleep this way.

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