Wednesday, June 9, 2010
i'll sleep well tonight...
i've had a busy busy day... we left for the park around 9:45 this morning. mommy packed extra diapers & juice & crackers so that we would not have to go back into the house until lunch time. at the park, i started off with swinging. when i got off the swing, i noticed the wormy pollen thingies like the ones at our house. i decided to find a few favorites & line them up on the bottom of the slide at the park. we also did a lot of running & looking at leaves, as always. when we got back to the house, i put on the rest of my bathing suit & i played in the water & sand. i was really sad when it was time to go inside. (mommy says this was tHe BiGgeST FiT that i have ever thrown!) i was just SO tired but i didn't even realize it. during lunch, i actually fell asleep as i was chewing my food. mommy said that meant it was really time for my nap. but even after the nap, i knew i still needed to go to bed early. and i am STILL worn out! i'll sleep great tonight!