Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
playing carefully with plastic dishes...
i like to look through the containers that mommy keeps in this kitchen cabinet. there are so many colors & shapes! i enjoy pulling them & inspecting them... and of course i leave them all over the floor so that mommy & daddy can enjoy them too!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
my love of ducks...
you know i LOVE duckies! of course i still love "ducky-one," as mommy & daddy have affectionately named him, but i can love many ducks at once. i like to watch "the duck song" on you-tube. there is also a "duck song 2" & a "duck song 3." in another pic, i am organizing the ducks that mommy made for to put on crowns for my birthday party. and see the duck InSIdE a duck?? aunt lorna & uncle gene gave me flowers in that duck-vase when i was a little baby, but i just recently found it again. the little duck is one that daddy got for me one day while we were shopping. unfortunately, this morning i let ducky-one go for a swim in the toilet, so he may be out of commission til he gets a bath. luckily, grammy gave me a new ducky today that looks a lot like ducky-one. (he is in the pic with me, ducky-two & the pink car.)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
running around...
here is a little piece of my fun sunday this weekend. look how sweaty i am!! it was really hot & humid (i know -- surprise!) but the heat does not bother me; i always enjoy running around the yard. i followed this pattern many times -- going up the front steps, running across the yard, then coming down the driveway. occasionally i would become distracted & stop to look at pine straw & other things. but i "made the rounds" in this way SeVeRaL times! 
Sunday, July 25, 2010
a full & fun saturday...
on saturday, mommy & daddy ran some errands & of course i tagged along. as part of the day, we got to eat lunch at chick-fil-a. my favorite part of the lunch was the stickers that came in my kids meal. the stickers kept me occupied & happy for quite some time. when we got home, i got to play outside. in this picture, i am sitting on the steps that go to our backyard. my hands look kind of crazy in the pic because i am waving them around -- that is my way of asking mommy (or anyone!) to sing "the wheels on the bus go 'round & 'round..." i love the part when you make your hands go around each & i like to imitate it the best way i can! if you're thinking that would make a great video, well... mommy agrees & she has tried to capture this on video. but i usually get camera-shy & stop my hand-waving when the camera comes out. maybe eventually...

Friday, July 23, 2010
water time at the zoo...
earlier this week, we visited the birmingham zoo again. i am beginning to notice some of the larger animals & the animals that move fast enough to catch my attention. but my favorite thing to do is to play in the water! 

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
dat, dat...
that is what i call a light: "dat." i like all lights, the ones in the car, or in the dryer, but this light is a special favorite of mine. i like to reach through the bannister to play with it!

Sunday, July 18, 2010
a random sunday morning...
mommy had to work the last 3 days AND she works tomorrow too. so we decided to hang out here at the house rather than getting out to church. (she says she misses me & daddy!) so we are just playing in my room & reading books this morning.

a comment on comments...
sorry if i haven't responded to any comments lately. i'm not sure how the comments have been showing up on your computers, but here at home the comments are just a bunch of boxes & symbols. but daddy has fixed that for me, so now i can read any new comments that you post to the blog. hooray!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
just playin' outside...
here are some pics from my playtime on wednesday afternoon. i like to run around a lot & look at all the flowers & pine straw.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
a playdate...
sorry my posts have not been very regular, but our internet has been up & down recently. mommy is not very computer saavy, so we are at the mercy of the internet. anyway... last week mommy & i met with mommy's friend susan & her two boys. we went to another indoor play place and had a great time!

Thursday, July 8, 2010
i think this is funny...
when i stay at grammy & pappy's house, i like to play with these flexiblocks. they actually belonged to my uncle kyle when he was a little boy! the other night i made up a silly game by myself... just watch!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
a busy wednesday...
today mommy & i had to run a lot of errands, like buying a baby shower gift, doing grocery shopping & developing pictures. i did pretty well in all of the stores and so we went to the park when we got home. i played in all the usual ways, running, looking at leaves & swinging. but for some reason, i really wanted the wood chips from the playground to be IN the swing. so i worked on that for quite some time.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
i jump, you jump, we all jump...
on tuesday i went to a place called "i jump" where they have a bunch of inflatable jumpy houses. they also had a toddler room where i could play without being trampled by the bigger kids. it was SO much fun!!

i gotta do my chores...
i'm sure that by now, you have figured out that i love water. so one day i noticed a water sound in this room & i asked mommy to let me see what it was. it was the washing machine! at first i just watched her put the clothes into the washer, but now i like to help put things in (and sometimes i take things out too!) mommy & daddy say this is good because it's high time that i started "earning my keep" around this place. everyone has to start working sometime! 
Monday, July 5, 2010
back it up...
i just realized that i did not post any pics from last weekend. we went to tuscumbia for daddy's high school reunion & i got to stay with grandmommie, aunt judy & uncle craig. i am sorry, but mommy didn't take very many pictures though... i guess everyone has an "off" day. so here is a shot from the picnic where i visited my friends savannah & megan (alan & candy's girls) & another picture from our ride home.

Sunday, July 4, 2010
i'm back from texas...
sorry it's been a while since my last post, but i went to texas to visit with my uncle kyle, aunt trudy, & my new cousin -- baby madison rose!! she is beautiful! it took us 15 hours to drive there & i was a terrific traveller. unfortunately, when madison would cry, i would get upset & cry too. (actually, i would ThRoW myself in the floor & thrash around screaming.) the pic with the flowers was taken in our hotel room. i LOVED these flowers & carried them around with me in the room. thank goodness they were fake!

i was interested in madison, but i didn't really touch her a lot. this was a good thing, because i came down with a cold while we on the trip. but i am feeling better since we got home.

grammy & pappy brought this swing for madison & i thought it looked strangely familiar. (i used this swing when i was a little baby... that was SO long ago!) i experienced another first on this trip -- eating "on the run". when we were on the way home, it was getting late, but i needed to eat dinner. so we stopped at subway (for mommy, grammy & pappy) & they just got an extra plate for me. that was so i could eat my bananas & green beans in the car. mommy thought that was a little funny. we had a very good trip, but i am glad to be home!

i was interested in madison, but i didn't really touch her a lot. this was a good thing, because i came down with a cold while we on the trip. but i am feeling better since we got home.
grammy & pappy brought this swing for madison & i thought it looked strangely familiar. (i used this swing when i was a little baby... that was SO long ago!) i experienced another first on this trip -- eating "on the run". when we were on the way home, it was getting late, but i needed to eat dinner. so we stopped at subway (for mommy, grammy & pappy) & they just got an extra plate for me. that was so i could eat my bananas & green beans in the car. mommy thought that was a little funny. we had a very good trip, but i am glad to be home!
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