Wednesday, July 28, 2010
my love of ducks...
you know i LOVE duckies! of course i still love "ducky-one," as mommy & daddy have affectionately named him, but i can love many ducks at once. i like to watch "the duck song" on you-tube. there is also a "duck song 2" & a "duck song 3." in another pic, i am organizing the ducks that mommy made for to put on crowns for my birthday party. and see the duck InSIdE a duck?? aunt lorna & uncle gene gave me flowers in that duck-vase when i was a little baby, but i just recently found it again. the little duck is one that daddy got for me one day while we were shopping. unfortunately, this morning i let ducky-one go for a swim in the toilet, so he may be out of commission til he gets a bath. luckily, grammy gave me a new ducky today that looks a lot like ducky-one. (he is in the pic with me, ducky-two & the pink car.)