then i took a nap at grammy & pappy's house & when i woke up, i ate a gourmet meal of a grilled cheese sandwich & fruit. then mommy & i went grocery shopping & came home to play some more. whew!! i am tired!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
what a wonderful wednesday...
we did all sorts of fun things today. we started out just playing around the house -- coloring, counting & talking to my kitty cat. then i helped mommy with laundry and then we met grammy at kohl's. i got some new winter shoes & couple of shirts.

then i took a nap at grammy & pappy's house & when i woke up, i ate a gourmet meal of a grilled cheese sandwich & fruit. then mommy & i went grocery shopping & came home to play some more. whew!! i am tired!

then i took a nap at grammy & pappy's house & when i woke up, i ate a gourmet meal of a grilled cheese sandwich & fruit. then mommy & i went grocery shopping & came home to play some more. whew!! i am tired!