Sunday, October 10, 2010
got any grapes...
one of my favorite videos is about a duck in the supposed conquest for grapes. (the duck's real intent is just to frustrate people, but i'm not sure i understand it that way!) it is called "the duck song" & it is one of the videos on the sidebar of this blog. so anyway... as a result of that song, i have developed a fondness for grapes. one day i noticed that the spoon-rest in our kitchen looks like grapes & i thought that was pretty neat. now i like to walk around with the grapes & hug them. mommy figures this is OK because we talk a lot about being gentle so that i don't break the grapes. but i think sometimes she hides the grapes from me too. and sorry that my shirt is so dirty in these pics, but i had just finished eating an apple & it was time for my bath anyway.