at the kangaroo area, there were hard hats & a cave to explore. i had lots of fun playing peek-a-boo in & out of the cave. when we went to the water area, i was a little disappointed that there was no water. but my star did lots of "splashing" anyway.
i got to ride a turtle & a real train! as soon as we saw the train, i kept saying, "i want train! i want train!" in fact, i am still talking about the train this morning.
there was also a playground area & owen and i had a lot of fun there. there was a curvy slide and a bridge to cross. i got a little scared of the slide so i only did it twice. but i LoVeD crossing over the bridge! then we shared snack again. i had my regular cheerios & goldfish, but owen had these gummy things called 'sourpatch kids.' i loved the sour taste & that is why you see me smiling so big!!