of course we rode the train, and again, the day just couldn't have been any better. there were very few people riding the train so we had our choice of seats. when the ride was over, no one was waiting to get on after us. so the engineer was kind enough to allow me to inspect the train & tracks. usually we have to get off so quickly because more people are waiting to get on, so i have never been able to spend much time looking at any of this. i walked up & down the track for a while & i enjoyed it so much!
and we always save the fountains for last. it's a good thing we did do them last today, because i was SO excited that i didn't wait for mommy to change me into my bathing suit! i just ran right while i was still wearing my clothes! there were only a few other children in the fountains today. it was a perfect day! in fact, even as i was eating dinner & taking my bath tonight, i was still talking about the giraffes eating their snacks. "she ate the food!" i said this OveR & oVER!! a random funny thing to take note of is that i am holding three paper carrots in most of these pictures. the carrots are small, so you kind of have to know what you're looking for. but ever since my birthday party, i have been in LoVE with these cut-out carrots that mommy made for the birthday crowns. i even took the carrots with me to the zoo! (you can see the back-side of the carrots in the pic of me & daddy on the train ride.) what a busy, busy day! oh, i will sleep well tonight!