i started getting sick on monday morning, but it was just a little coughing. when grammy picked me up from school on tuesday afternoon, i had a fever of 101.1. on wednesday, mommy & i just stayed around the house & i did act like i felt better. but on thursday morning, i still had a fever so i couldn't go to school. well, you know what they say... if you're too sick for school, then you need to go to the doctor. so that's what we did. mommy used my 1-2-3-4 chart to warn me of what was going on & i accepted the visit much more easily this time. i still didn't enjoy it, but at least only mommy had to hold me, rather than 3 people holding me like what has been necessary in the past.

we actually saw the nurse practitioner, ms spence & i like her a lot. she swabbed my throat & told mommy that i have strep! *yuck!* but we played with play-doh & my duck puppet. and when my nurse came in, i ReALLy liked her "purple hands." mommy decided to get pictures of these new friends so that they can be on my "board" when ever we have to go again.

mommy did make me get my flu shot. i was NOT happy about that. but at least i will not have to go to the doctor again any time soon. (let's hope!!) after all of that we went to grammy's house & i watched videos & napped pretty much ALL afternoon!