Saturday, September 28, 2013
sailing saturday...
daddy, mommy & i went sailing on lay lake this morning. we even ate a picnic lunch on the boat. i enjoyed helping daddy to tie the ropes. the red ropes were my favorites.

i also got to see several of these large crane-birds. they always flew away when we'd get closer. and i used my notepad to keep a log of today's events.

at first i was apprehensive about wearing the life jacket. but i eventually understood that i MUST wear it if i wanted to go sailing. and i ReALLy wanted to sail! it was a great way to spend this beautiful fall day.

pictured below are my entries in my captain's log. mommy drew the stick figures in the first picture, but i drew every thing else. and sorry - you'll need to turn your head to see the second picture well.

after sailing, we went home to clean up. then we ate chik-fil-a dinner & had ice cream at the mall! YuM! my goofy poses are modeled after a girl pictured on my chik-fil-a milk bottle. she was so cute with her hands under her chin like this.

after the mall, we went to toys R us. according to me, this place is "full of R's and stars!!" and they have some pretty neat toys!

i was SO tired, i could not decide a purchase. so we just browsed and meandered about the store. i love looking at toys!

WOW! what a day! we came home & i jumped in my pajamas & fell right to sleep!