Wednesday, October 8, 2014
it's a zoo out there...
we LOVE our Birmingham zoo! recently we've made a couple of Saturday trips to the zoo. I've enjoyed using the map skills that I am learning in first grade. mommy would get us to a part of the zoo that i'm not so familiar with & then I'd have to tell her how to get where we wanted to go.

I am still loving luau things & so the flamingo is one of my favorite animals. I like to note the numbers on their leg bands & then try to see the same ones again on another visit to the zoo. at school we've also been talking about symbols of our great nation. of course I've learned about bald eagles, so I was very excited that the Birmingham zoo is home to two of these beautiful birds! they are both injured & can't be returned to the wild, but they have hatched several babies over the years.