Sunday, November 23, 2014
a lazy rainy sunday...
well, it wasn't really THAT lazy, but we were very laid-back today. we went to church this morning & i put my luau t-shirt back on as SOON as we returned home. daddy had started putting out christmas decorations so mommy & i helped with that. i love putting all the nativity people looking at baby Jesus. isn't that how it should be anyway?

we looked though some thanksgiving things that i made at school recently. i created a "thankful journal" in which i listed many blessings. and i love my indian headband!

then i made some play-doh creations -- hello kitty & fifi. i also made some library books for them to read.

daddy has encouraged me to begin reading "the ghost of windy hill." this is one of the play-doh library books that i made too.

it's a bit more difficult than any reading i've attempted previously. but it's really holding my interest. in fact, i so enjoy re-reading chapters that we've only made it to chapter 3 so far! but it's getting exciting!