my name is Mary Kathryn. i celebrated my seventh birthday on august 7, 2015. i still love music, especially anything that my daddy plays on the piano for me. i attend second grade & while i will tell you that i do not like school, i actually enjoy it. i enjoy reading about characters from "paw patrol" & "lego friends" & recently have begun reading some chapter books. often i use check lists to help me complete tasks & to help me know what to expect. i am constantly drawing & usually have several notebooks & pens handy. (my favorite pens are the pilot G2-07 black ones... you can't blame a girl for choosing the best!) some of my favorite things are dolphins, fish, whales, and pretty much anything that is PinK! i like to update this blog regularly so that everyone knows what is going on with me. please visit often, because i try to make a post at least every 2 or 3 days!
you can never give enough thanks, so we celebrated the holiday twice! first we had grammy & pappy over to my house on thursday. i helped mommy make carrot souffle & everyone (besides me!) said it was delish!
on sunday we celebrated in huntsville with daddy's family. we roasted marshmallows & the adults had a bit of silly shooting fun.
but the hammock fun was definitely my favorite!!