Sunday, April 5, 2015
He is risen! He is risen indeed! allelulia!!!
Happy Easter, my friends & family!! i got an early start this morning by attending our church's 630 AM sunrise service. i wish we had pictures from that, but i think we were just in shock that mommy, daddy & i were all up & out of the house that early! so these Easter basket pictures were really taken AFTER i had already been awake for a while. i wore my pj's to the sunrise service!! we went to church then came back home for breakfast & to change into regular church clothes. then we attended the 11 AM service also.

after church, we went to grammy & pappy's house to eat lunch. i got to eat a yellow peep!! (YuM!!!) we also had an egg hunt & did swinging & bubbles.

we enjoyed SUCH beautiful weather!!!

after dinner, i noticed that the daylight was similar to how it was this morning at sunrise. so i insisted that we have another "sunrise" service in our backyard. my stone dolphins & my duck becca also attended. we blew bubbles & sang "break every chain." this is my last day of spring break. i am really excited to go back to school & see my friends tomorrow!