We had no official schedule this weekend, but we still managed to stay pretty busy! Joey had done most of the chores before he went to work on Saturday morning :o) so MK and I were able to focus on relaxing!
We started out with some play-doh
& then some scooter-time.
The weather was AMAZING.
We did have to do a bit of shopping. MK loves looking at all the products in the children's hair care section. She thinks it's funny that there are animals that look like fruit on the bottles. (Strawberry-scented shampoo with a
strawberry-jellyfish on the label!)
And she always like to walk through the toy department. "We are only looking!"
Then we made a pit-stop at my parents' house for lunch. Grammy surprised MK with these LaLaLooopsy sets that she has been watching on You-Tube for quite a while. Her faves are Mango Tiki Wiki & Scoops Waffle Cone.
We also had to stop in Costco. MK helped me to unload all the groceries. We are beginning to ask her to take on more responsibilities and help with things like this.
Once we were settled at home, we enjoyed a backyard picnic & read a few books we'd checked
out from the library earlier this week.

And all of that was just Saturday!
We went to church on Sunday & helped
make a couple of blankets after church.
(Here are some of our friends working on a blanket.)
These are lap blankets for folks in nursing homes.
We came home to relax some more.
MK got to play outside again & we also did some artwork & piano. She definitely passed out easily
when it was bedtime tonight!!!