Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Dumbo and Lady...
If you have watched Dumbo or Lady and the Tramp, you can look at this post so you can see Dumbo and Lady as TSUM TSUMS! They come from the Disney store but I got Dumbo as a present from the Easter bunny. The money Grammy gave me was going towards my Lego treehouse, but I wanted to spend it on Lady instead.
I got Lady at JCPenny, and the Tsum tsums there were about $6.00! I spent the Easter money. If I spent it on tsum tsums, then I wouldn't have enough money for my treehouse.
Did you remember the post It takes heart to be a hero? That is a jumprope for heart post. Here's more.Last year we had ducks, and this year we have puppies.So I'm gonna tell you about the ducks. I made the standups that are ducks. My dad surprised me with this. Our first duck is Splatter Quacky. Then, our next duck dad surprised me with is Scribbles Ninja Duck. The last duck dad had saved it for last because she was my favorite. She IS my favorite! And her name is Ms. Cool, the "PE ROCKS" duck.

Ms. Cool loves you. And my teachers covered a clock in our classroom. We could tell time on analog.
We could do that someday, too!