Our JRFH pups have been working on a project on these Easter eggs. key.Easter is mostly about Jesus. And I will show you the eggs. When you open the blue egg, you will get a little donkey.

Now, open the
light pink egg. Did you find some coins? What do coins have to do with the Easter story?

Look in the
light purple egg. I saw you found a cup.

What did you find in the orange egg? Praying hands.

What do you see in the green egg? A whip.

IN the yellow egg, you found a rooster.

Inside light orange egg, you'll find a crown of thorns.

What do you find in the light green egg? 3 nails formed into a cross.

Inside the purple egg, you'll find a spear.

There is some cloth in the light blue egg.

And a stone in the pink egg.

The white egg is empty because the tomb was empty!

We want to give you ou line up of the pieces.
Lt. pink- coins
Lt. purple-cup
Lt. orange-crown
Lt. green-nails in cross
Lt. blue-cloth
Pink- stone