Thursday, November 18, 2010
my busy day of nothing...
hooray! today was the first day in a while that mommy, daddy & i have all been at home together for the entire day. it was so much FUN! we did go to the doctor for my flu shot (BOOOO on that!) but otherwise we just spent the day playing & eating & napping. as of late, one of my favorite things to "do" is to love this painting of fish & water. i've been told that daddy made this painting a LONG LONG time ago but we just found it recently when we were organizing some things. i LovE LOvE LoVe this picture! i even try to hug it & i have gotten upset a few times when i could not bring it with me. so mommy took a photograph of the painting & we carry that with us sometimes. i call the picture "gool" which means "water" in my world, because a pool is the best kind of water, right??