after church, i tried to nap because we had plans to attend a neighborhood playgroup. but i was too hyper to go to sleep! so we went to the playgroup, but didn't stay for very long. and that is why i am going to bed at 7:45 tonight!!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
peek-a-boo & playgroup...
these first pictures are of me playing peek-a-boo this morning before church. i get very excited when mommy asks "where's MK?" and i get to 'reveal' myself. and speaking of church -- i have made it through the entire time of worship & sunday for several sundays in a row. i think i am settled into my class now!

after church, i tried to nap because we had plans to attend a neighborhood playgroup. but i was too hyper to go to sleep! so we went to the playgroup, but didn't stay for very long. and that is why i am going to bed at 7:45 tonight!!

after church, i tried to nap because we had plans to attend a neighborhood playgroup. but i was too hyper to go to sleep! so we went to the playgroup, but didn't stay for very long. and that is why i am going to bed at 7:45 tonight!!