Sunday, May 24, 2015

a day at the zoo...

my uncle kyle & his family came from texas to visit us!! on saturday we all went to the birmingham zoo. madison & i get along really well together.
of course we saw my favorite -- the flamingos!! i love them because they are luau animals.
baby liam came along too. isn't he SO cute?! we also went to the lorikeets. i was afraid to go in, but kyle & madison & grammy fed them with nectar! we got to watch the sea lions eat their lunch & do tricks! we ate lunch at the safari cafe & played on the playground. the elephants were very close to the fences & we got to see them pretty close! but madison & kyle got to see the giraffes up REALLY close!! kyle & madison rode the "wild slide" but i just enjoyed watching! of course we rode the train :o) WHAT A *GREAT* DAY!!!