Sunday, June 26, 2016

Vacation Bible School, Day One...

MK is attending VBS at St Mark this week.  She was *extremely* nervous about going, but I insisted that she at least try it.  (I knew she'd have a blast if she'd only allow herself to do so!)  They started out in music time,
so of course that was a 'win.' 
But she still wasn't totally convinced.
Then Mrs. Carol (who just happened to be one of MK's St Mark preschool teachers!) had an assignment for MK:  There was this dolphin that needed someone to pay her a little attention during VBS. There are 2 dolphins. One dolphin is blue and her name is Sheen. The second one is grey, and his name is Milo. Milo and Sheen are a brother and sister dolphins and Mia found them near the Dolphin Cruiser. Carol thought MK was just the person for this job.  MK accepted this responsibility with great JOY!
Miss Carlye was also a great help to MK. 
She helped her with some crafts &
made her feel comfortable --
and MK definitely felt comfortable
by the end of the evening!

You can see that the theme is
rather beachy --
she can NOT wait to go back
for the rest of the week!