Monday, July 8, 2013

family fish fry...

a couple of weeks ago, daddy's family gathered at aunt judy & uncle craig's house in huntsville, alabama for a family fish-fry! in the spirit of my cousin drew's upcoming wedding, many of us donned mickey hats for photos. here is the [now wedded] blissful couple, haley & drew... uncle craig fried up some yummy fish that he had caught this spring. he also made hushpuppies & i helped with the puppy-making. aunt judy put discussion questions on these fish. i enjoyed reading the questions. one of the fish said, "tell a funny fish memory." well, my fish memory is of daddy & me going the the neighborhood lake & feeding bread to the fish at the gazebo. i really enjoyed telling everyone that story ALL day LONG!! i was able to spend a good part of the afternoon with aunt judy. we played bubbles & made smores. i liked talking about the smores, but i really just wanted to eat plain marshmallows & chocolate bars & LOTS of graham crackers! we had a GReaT DaY!! i cannot wait to do it all again!