Monday, July 11, 2016

Weekend Review...

We started Saturday morning with some piano  practice & then Lego-building.  MK has been making progress on her piano chart --  she is on her way to earning the final Paw Patrol mini-figure, Everest.  MK receives a sticker for every 15 minutes of piano practice.  She earns a figure after about 20 stickers.
 Here are examples of her current
piano pieces.  She is beginning
to learn sharps  & flats. 
In the spirit of Mister Rogers, MK
built this Lego Trolley.  Her characters
ride in the trolley to visit the
Land of Make-Believe. 
She also spent some time at
my parents' house.  Swinging
is definitely a favorite activity!
 After church, we had more Lego time & more piano practice on Sunday.
 On Sunday, MK and I swam for a few minutes.  Unfortunately, our time was cut short by a thunderstorm.
Since the rain cooled things off a bit, we enjoyed dinner on the back porch!